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Charlotte County Chamber and the “M” word

July 20, 2020

Charlotte County Chamber and the “M” word




After revisiting the mission of the Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce of “advancing the prosperity and general welfare of its business members and the community they serve,” we decided to offer our members a new opportunity. They can now voluntarily add the name of their business and contact information to a list of local members requiring face masks, or coverings, be worn by employees and customers inside when social distancing is not an option. These businesses have voluntarily requested inclusion on the list which is provided as a service to our members, their customers, and the entire community.

Even with all of the controversy over opinions, data, ideas, and philosophies, most seem to agree on the need to keep our businesses and lives rebounding as quickly as possible. The voluntary list will be kept updated on our Facebook page and website, and also emailed weekly to our subscribers.


Chamber Board Members Proposed

Three Charlotte County business representatives have been nominated to the Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. The nominees are Melissa Bergey, Gator Wilderness Camp School; Matthew Jones, Jones Family Insurance; and Kelsey Veitengreuber, Farr Law Firm.

According to the chamber bylaws, additional names of candidates can be nominated by petition bearing the signatures of at least 20 qualified chamber members. Such petition must be filed with the chamber within 10 days after notice is given of the names of those nominated.

If no petition is filed within the designated time period, the nominated slate of candidates will be declared elected by the board of directors at the next regularly scheduled board meeting. (August 24, 2020) If a legal petition(s) are presented with an additional candidate(s), the names of all candidates will appear on a ballot sent to all active members at least 15 days before the August board meeting. Following a count of votes, the Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors will declare elected the candidates with the greatest number of votes.


Leadership Charlotte 2021

The 2021 Leadership Charlotte application is available at and by calling or emailing the chamber office. Leadership Charlotte is the signature program for members of the Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce. For more than 30 years the program has annually assembled approximately 25 individuals who wish to increase their leadership skills and gain a better understanding of the opportunities and challenges in our community. The selected participants in Leadership Charlotte commit to attend monthly day-long sessions, as well as participate in a class project. This is your chance to be part of LC2021. The application deadline is 4 p.m., Friday, August 7.


New Teachers' Breakfast Parade

Our members will be welcoming approximately 90 new teachers to our school district on Thursday, July 30. The New Teachers' Breakfast Parade will be attended by sponsoring businesses lining the parade route to cheer on the new team of teachers as the drive along the waterfront to pick up special boxed breakfasts and goody bags. They will be celebrated by their sponsoring businesses with greetings, signs, balloons and banners. If your business would like to sponsor one of the 90 new teachers for $35, and participate in the New Teachers Breakfast Parade, please contact the chamber at 941-627-2222 or


Who would have thought

   If we had tried to explain to our future selves about The Great Toilet Paper and Face Mask Fiascos of 2020, we would have … and could have … laughed in each other’s faces.


Teri Ashley is the executive director of the Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce, now in its 95th year, with offices in both Punta Gorda and Port Charlotte. She can be reached at 941-639-2222 or at

